sceptre led moniter


we've got to look  at a review of the 
sceptre  24 inch LED

Hertz and something time to keep an eye
out for because this is what I would
practically call the bare minimum or
average I guess because every time
gamers go out and they you know we have
a couple monitors back here I've done my
brother has a 4k monitor that I built
for his are used for his system and so
every time we get an interesting little
monitor and I like to say that the 1080p
is kind of like the current golden a
golden spot or perfect spot for gaming
right now obviously most graphics cards
support it it's pretty nice and 4k is
mostly left its hit to the 1080 eyes or
and their 1440 is also coming a little
bit higher but this is really the budget
or the mid-range gamers perfect kind of
range as the tape amatis and this is a
good example this is actually relatively
on the cheaper side and I want to take
today's video just going to talk about a
little bit I believe this is 5
milliseconds away and it has a
seventy-five megahertz refresh rate so
how many of you has my overall pains of
it I just see the couple Clips me
playing with it I'm doing a little bit
testing with it actually had the $35
gaming PC that I was running on it that
was that was a pretty insane video as
well so if you're interested in that
kind stuff maybe check that out but
basically what many today this kind of
you as my rough opinion of it what I
like what I don't like and some of the I
guess downsides so first off I'm gonna
start because this monitor actually has
a lot of upsides there's a lot of good
things about it
my favorite though has got to be huffed
and it is it really really is quite then
and this is dubbed as a
professional-grade monitor it's supposed
to be a pro series as for is it really
pro it's a monitor it's got the high
refresh rate and mostly for gamers and
its overall pretty good I the thinness
is exceptional
I don't know if you guys can see on the
side I'll show some clips down a little
bit but it's very thin on the sides and
then you've got this little bit back
here much more thinner than at least
then up here I kind of like that
obviously it's not too blocky as well
and he's got all this components there
also a couple other things to note it
does have two HDMI ports and a VGA which
is also exceptional if you have
different you know computers things like
that you want to run different things on
there an Xbox or a and then your
computer that's also very good I'm also
gonna start going into some of the bad
sides I don't like about though the
speakers are far from what I would say
is exceptional the speakers are really
disappointing obviously it's not
necessarily especially since the back is
so slim I would not expect someone to be
throwing some speakers or expecting
these speakers to be playing games I was
just I don't know how you'd be seeing
some clips in this video but I'll be
playing pub G solely off of with this
mod or the keyboard the mouse etc in the
computer so I won't have headphones on
and clearly you can't hear anything
regardless like the speakers are very
very very bad and you won't be able to
hear anything obviously for people that
are just using this for monitors and
have a nice sound sound system or
headphones it's gonna be fine not a big
issue but as for like the physical
speakers themselves not anywhere close
to great sound quality I would say so
myself another different note as well is
we've actually had our actually I have
this monitor for maybe about a couple
weeks it's been inside the box and stuff
and it's already getting some scratching
and obviously scratching is something
that you know if you're not really
moving them on around it's not really a
big issue but this is more of a portable
monitor because it's for the land PC
that I have and it's basically just for
like you know taking things around and
so being portable and kind of being a
little won't get scratched up so easily
it's kind of a important thing for me
and you know already getting some
scratches from being very very very very
very careful especially when handling
modern and the computer and stuff heck
this plastic side panel on here doesn't
even have a single scratch on it and
that's you know something you would kind
of expect to get scratched on the side
panel on the bottom of this computer
right here
or side panel on the side of this
computer over here doesn't have a
scratch and yet this does it does
scratch quite easily so just keep that
in mind as well but besides that
everything actually is surprisingly
sturdy obviously it's got this is kind
of more of a cheaper plastic feel
it does kind of wiggle a lot that was
one of my other concerns if you kind of
shake the table which I don't know how
apologize for my camera does shake as
well but you can kind of see there I'm
trying to pull it away like if I'm just
like you know kind of dropping or you
know working on something the monitor
does shake quite badly obviously it's
not necessarily super stable as you can
see I can bump this and it really does
shake a little bit as for the mouth and
stuff it does have a lot of flexibility
and sense that it does have the ability
to mount up and move up and down words a
good bit just does it does have a little
bit of flexibility there the base does
come off honestly though it does have
any height adjustments so that's a
little bit of a bummer as well the
brightness and all that stuff is your
course adjustable not necessarily the
best color quality that's out there but
since that it's supposed to be dubbed
the pro series it's got some pretty
decent color quality I would say that
it's not missed it's definitely for the
price I would say is quite a good deal I
believe I got this one for like 75 to 80
bucks so this was a relatively good
price for the amount that you're getting
the other things though is that you know
brightness is overall pretty good
obviously I was playing with the monitor
or all of my lights my studio lights on
so it's going to be difficult kind of
for me to determine how well the
brightness goes I probably should turn
those off but that would be my bad but
as for like you know the bezel it's
actually quite a small bezel compared to
some of the other monitors that I've had
it's actually quite you know a good
bezel obviously there's you know iPads
and stuff that are out now that have a
much thinner puzzle but honestly overall
is a really good monitor the refresh
rate is very nice especially in playing
games and obviously when you go through
and you start playing with that low
delay as well it's really nice playing
games and this computer was a little
having a couple issues Pub G so I won't
blame them on the blame that on the
monitor um also quick side notes as well
this does have the ability to have
speakers going in so you don't right now
I just have it going through the HDMI
but you throw on speakers to go in it
also has the ability for these speakers
come out as well so you want to go the
rest of surround system so for some
reason you wanted to have the speakers
and here also play while your whole
system surround system plays or your
headphones play that's also an option
or I think actually it's probably just
so you can plug them your headphones in
there and not have to listen to the
speakers in the back because the
speakers are quite bad
shego say it bluntly but overall it's
actually quite a decent monitor one of
my favorite features though is I
actually have a similar aspect up
monitor behind me you guys can see it
back there that's actually currently
sitting over on that side of the
computer and honestly that monitor has a
lot of issues in the sense when you have
multiple displays hooked up to it and
you have one turned on it just you have
to switch through them but this doesn't
have that feature you just plug it in
and it automatically switches there's no
like searching for input this
automatically finds whatever he's got
input and switches to it now for someone
that does a lot of videos work I've got
this system that's got you know DVI
output I've got that system that does or
the system that does HDMI and I've got
another system that does you know DVI
and I have all it's plugged in obviously
it's got two HDMI ports and one VGA but
obviously when you're plugging in
different stuff in and you don't have to
flip through it that's a little bit
time-saving it's a little bit of a
convenience thing I do like that a good
bit as well
but overall definitely a really like
compared to the monitor I had back there
definitely a really nice monitor for the
price especially with 80 bucks -
starting to kind of get in the budget
range and a couple these you get three
of these together you set them up in
like you know the surround so I'm the
video thing it will really really look
good and it's a nice I feel like also
the pixelation to the size is really
good tape he does seem really crisp and
clear obviously you go down to 4k of
course it'll be higher but it does is it
is very very nice and enjoyable to play
on especially when you're you know doing
those advanced shooter games or you're
trying to get you know the advantage on
somebody that's a little bit over there
and you want to make sure you win it's a
little it's really really nice as well
but basically long story short kind of
has a scratching issue we've got you
know speakers that are not the best the
shakiness is a kind of a problem
especially when you know you're typing
you don't want it to be shaking like for
example actually I need to show you like
if I was just necessary here in sight
just the average typing thing just a
little bit and that could be related to
my table but this table really doesn't
have actually really nice tables I don't
think that's
really the tables fault I think it's
more the fact that this is a little you
know you just touch it and it's not
really put on there too well like I'm
literally just touching you this kind of
shaking so it's kind of sensitive to
that but that's kind of those big three
concerns if you've got no problem with
that and you have no problem to type in
and go into town you know getting your
hands in their stuff then you should be
fine but thank you very much for
watching if you enjoyed this video give
it a thumbs up as always checking my
channel for other cool tech related news
videos reviews builds etc I've got a $30
gaming PC down below here actually at
the moment and then I also have identity
you can check out also be doing a review
on its 27 or r-tx 27 either hopefully
we'll be getting around sometime this
week and yeah thank you 

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